JAY-Z's Alleged Son Takes Paternity Test Case To The Supreme Court


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A man who claims he is the illegitimate son of JAY-Z is taking his paternity case all the way up to the Supreme Court.

In an interview the Daily Mail published on Monday, May 8, Rymir Satterthwaite accused the Roc Nation founder of purposely dodging a paternity test that would settle the years-long debate over whether or not Hov is his father. After filing numerous civil lawsuits and other legal complaints over the pat decade, Satterthwaite recently filed a new motion with the New Jersey Supreme Court to unseal the case and force JAY-Z to take the test. He emphasized that all he wants from Hov is acknowledgement.

"This is not going to be over until justice is served," Satterthwaite said. "I just want to live my life and, when it is all said and done, I hope that JAY-Z would want to be a part of my life, if that is God's will... I won't stop fighting for this until I win. And I will win because the law is on our side."

His motion contains every detail of his paternity case dating back to 2012. Satterthwaite's mother, Wanda, first told him JAY-Z was his father when he was eight years old. Wanda said she only had sex with two men in her entire life, her high school sweetheart Robert Graves and the Brooklyn native. She put Graves' name on Satterthwaite's birth certificate, but she said she always knew he wasn't the father because her son looked nothing like him.

In 2010, Satterthwaite's mother asked a court in Pennsylvania to make compel both men to take a paternity test. Graves took the test, which determined he was not Satterthwaite's biological father. Meanwhile, Hov's team never responded with any results.

"The allegations have been previously reviewed thoroughly by the courts and have been refuted," JAY-Z's attorney's said in response to the new claims. "I am sure that will be the outcome of whatever filings Mr. Satterthwaite is may be currently considering."

Satterthwaite's mother isn't the only person who accused JAY-Z of fathering an illegitimate child. In 2011, outlets reported that the rapper had a baby with model Shennelle Scott, but his legal team dismissed the reports as "ridiculous rumors." Hov has never spoken out about any of the allegations, including Satterthwaite's claims.

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